Advanced Generic Reporting with Oracle Reports Developer
Oracle Reports is a tremendously powerful reporting tool. However, building the reporting portion of a system is usually time consuming and tedious. There are two possible strategies for creating reporting systems:
· Create multiple reports, sometimes in the hundreds for a complex system
· Build a small of generic, highly flexible, complex reports
There are two types of reports that can be included in a generic system:
1. Summary reports, generally used by managers, consist of numbers that can be summarized and displayed in various ways, including number of customers, merchandise stock, amounts in general ledger systems or in accounting systems, etc. These numbers can be displayed in an organization structure, an accounting book structure, grouped by departments, service representatives, etc. These report types have a similar structure, but they usually require complex calculations. One of the most efficient ways to build these reports is to use temporary tables or views cast from database object types.
2. Detail reports require a great deal of customization of elements including the columns, tables, filters, and the sorting and/or breaks.
This paper presents some useful tips for building complex generic
reporting systems. In addition to presenting the technical details for creating
these two types of reports, this paper will also discuss the advantages of
having a reports repository.
Summary Management Reports Based on Temporary Tables
Oracle Reports is sophisticated enough so that resorting to
temporary tables is rarely necessary for traditional reports development. However, generic reporting systems require the
ability to generate any one of perhaps hundreds of possible reports. It is very difficult to build the system so
that each report will run with acceptable performance. Populating a temporary table as an
intermediate step in the running of the report can often improve performance
and reduce (or at least compartmentalize) development complexity.
At Dulcian, we have developed a number of reporting systems that relied on temporary tables. One of them was a General Ledger system that displayed account values and summaries in a hierarchical book structure or in an organizational structure. The columns in the reports were very flexible, and could consist of comparisons between fiscal periods (quarters or years), comparisons between organization units, budget vs. financial, or various accounts.
In another system used for recruiting where potential employees had to be tracked in their various statuses and be moved from department to department, temporary tables were also helpful. The calculations in this case were too complex to be resolved with a simple query, so a temporary table had to be created and populated using PL/SQL code. A global temporary table was needed because the structure could be up to 5 levels deep, and a simple rollup function was not adequate.
The temporary table has the following structure:
Row identifier, also used for ordering |
Level used for display purposes and conditional formatting, such as bolding upper levels |
Text identifying the row, such as the account name or the department name |
Debit/Credit indicator – used for general ledger systems |
Actual numeric values |
report is then simply run as a query from this global temporary table. All of the
calculations will be in the PL/SQL that populates the temporary table. In another
paper presented at the ODTUG 2004 conference,
Developers need to be aware of two technical details in Oracle Reports that are needed in order to make this reporting system work. The first one involves displaying the column headings correctly. The other one is the correct placement of the code for populating the temporary table or view. These issues are discussed in the following sections.
Horizontal Repeating Frames
The temporary table’s columns have generic names: column1,2,3, etc. that have no meaning to the user. After creating the report, the default column headings that the Reports Wizard creates have to be deleted and replaced with a repeating frame that will hold the actual column headings (See Figure 1). In order to accomplish this, you will need the following:
· A repeating frame based on the ReportColumn group - The Print Direction property for this frame is “Across” to extend the new columns horizontally. The Vertical elasticity property must be set to “Expand” in order to allow longer column headings to expand on multiple rows.
· A field with the source heading (that must be in the group ReportColumn) - This field must be inside the frame described above and have the Vertical Elasticity property set to “Expand” as well.
The size of the frame must match exactly the
size of the columns and must be aligned with the columns.
Figure 1 – Frames with “Across” Print Direction for headings
It is a somewhat tedious task to correctly align and size the
headings and the columns. However, it is important to do this because a few
pixels of deviation will multiply and will be significant towards the end of
the page. You should use the zooming tools to align the frames correctly.
Temporary Tables
When you use Global Temporary Tables or Object Types cast into views, each session stores its own data and the other sessions/users will not see it. When the session ends, the content of the Temporary Table will automatically be deleted, so that it does not take up unnecessary space. Users can select, insert, update and delete rows from temporary tables with the same commands that are used for normal tables.
The DDL command to create a temporary table is:
TABLE tmp_table (
Column1 VARCHAR2(2000),
Column2 NUMBER(10) ,
Note that Oracle Forms and Reports always run in different sessions. When you need to use a temporary table for a report, the code to populate the temporary table should be included in the report in the AFTER PARAMETER FORM trigger. It should not be called in the parameter form because Reports always runs in a new session and will not see the data.
Detail Generic Reports
There are times when there is a lot of
Oracle Reports Builder allows users to create these flexible reports. The only real problem is the inability of dynamically setting a variable field length appropriate for each case. This section includes a description of the workaround used to solve this problem by creating two sizes of fields.
The following is a description of the techniques used to
customize the queries.
1. Lexical Parameters
Lexical parameters can replace all parts of the query upon which the report is based.
SELECT empno,ename
FROM emp
In the example above, the lexical parameter “p_where” can replace the WHERE or ORDER BY clauses or a combination of them. The lexical parameter can be built either by the application calling the report, or by the report itself in a program unit such as an AFTER-PARAMETER-FORM trigger or a formula column.
4. Generic Sorts
This is the simplest application of the lexical parameters:
SELECT empno,ename
FROM emp
WHERE deptno=30
ORDER BY &p_sort
The user can choose to order the report alphabetically or by employee number by selecting a value from a list item. You need to remember to set an Initial Value for the p_sort parameter, so that the user will not get an error if he/she does not select any value.
5. Generic Breaks
If users need to view summaries grouped by various criteria such as summary per department or summary per job type, then you need to create generic breaks as shown here:
SELECT empno
,&p_break break
FROM emp
WHERE deptno=30
ORDER BY &p_sort
In the Report Wizard you can set the break column in the master group and use either “deptno” or “job” as values for the p_break parameter.
6. Generic Filters
This is another specific application of the lexical parameters in which you can control the WHERE clause of the query by adding any appropriate filter. The user can then select the column to be filtered, the operation (which can be =, <, LIKE, IN, etc.) and the filtering values.
SELECT empno,ename
FROM emp
WHERE &p_where
In the example above, the initial value of the p_where parameter should be 1=1 for an unfiltered report.
7. Columns to Display
The basic idea for selecting different columns to display is to use aliases for the columns as shown here:
SELECT &p_column1 column1,
&p_column2 column2,
&p_column3 column3
FROM emp
You need to set the initial value of the p_column parameters to ‘xxxxxxxxxx’.
Note: You can find more detailed descriptions of the lexical parameters, generic sorts, filters, break columns, and columns to display in Oracle Developer: Advanced Forms and Reports (Koletzke & Dorsey, Oracle Press, 2000).
A Practical Example
This following query was used for a Customer detail report:
select &cp_break1 break1_column,
&cp_break2 break2_column,
from &cp_from_tables
where &cp_where_tx
order by &cp_order_by
The Initial Values properties for the placeholder columns are shown in Table 1:
Placeholder Name |
Initial Value |
cp_break1 |
rpad('q',200,'q') |
cp_break2 |
rpad('q',200,'q') |
cp_columns_tx |
col_narrow1, rpad('q',200,'q')
col_narrow2, …, rpad('q',200,'q') col_narrow10, rpad('q',200,'q')
col_wide1, rpad('q',200,'q')
col_wide3,…, rpad('q',200,'q')
col_wide9 |
cp_from_tables |
RC_CUSTMR cust |
cp_where_tx |
rownum<50 |
cp_order_by |
3,4 |
Table 1: Initial Values for generic lexical parameters
The creation of the query, as displayed with the Initial Values as described in Table 1, will create fields for 10 narrow columns and 5 wide columns that will each allow up to 200 characters. It is important to set the initial column lengths in the query to a large number because there is no other way to manually change the layout column width. Any character other than ‘q’ would have done the same thing.
Figure 2 shows an extract from the Oracle Forms Developer front-end that defines the report.
Figure 2 – Parameter form for a detail generic report
Using this front-end, users select the columns to display from an LOV. The LOV can be populated from the Oracle metadata, or can be maintained by developers in a local repository. The users can select either a narrow or a wide column.
Figure 3 – Layout Model for columns with 2 widths
The columns that have to be displayed will be controlled by the following format
function F_narrow_column_1FormatTrigger return boolean is
-- Automatically Generated from Report Builder.
if (:col_narrow5 = ‘<<do not display>>’)
return (FALSE);
end if;
return (TRUE);
Storing Report Definitions in the Database
When analyzing the reporting requirements for a system, there are often a large number of reports that are similar in structure and format. When a lot of reports are integrated, the set of parameters to call these reports usually becomes extremely complex, since you must specify columns, rows, calculations, filters, breaks, etc.
The best approach is to use a reports repository. This has multiple advantages including:
1. The list of parameters passed to the reports is reduced (to only one parameter namely, the report ID);
2. Once created, the reports are reusable. They can be copied so that a similar report can be easily created.
3. The reports parameters can be displayed on the report.
4. It is very easy to print a list of reports.
Because the structure of the parameter form becomes so complex for these generic reports, two parameter forms are used: one for super-users or developer-user teams who maintain the repository and another one for the users. The users will only pass simple parameters such as dates or department IDs to already designed reports.
A report definition usually contains:
· The report ID
· A name and a description used by developers to identify the report
· A type or folder to group reports
One or more titles and other
· A report type, if needed, such as Detail, Summary, Matrix, etc.
· The structure identifier if you have an accounting or an organization structure report
· An active flag
Each report can have specific details. These can define columns,
rows, statistics, breaks (or grouping), sort order and filters.
A column definition may contain:
· An order number
· A heading for the report
· Various filter values, such as: start date, end date, a department ID, a location ID, an account type or identifier
· References to other columns for calculations: variances, percentages, totals
· A format code: In this case, we used a narrow vs. wide format where each column could be simple or double-sized
· A reference to a table column from an Oracle metadata repository or a custom user repository
Breaks, statistics and sort orders can have
· An order number
· A reference to a table column from an Oracle metadata repository or a custom user repository
Figure 4 shows an example of the parameter form used to call the report. This is built just like a normal form where all of the data is stored in the database tables. The Preview Report button commits the changes and calls the report using only one parameter, the report ID.
Figure 4 – Parameter form for a general ledger generic reporting
After successfully using a reports repository for a general ledger reporting system several years ago, we continue to use and extend it for other types of reporting systems. It has proved to be a very good solution.
Reporting is one of the key areas of system design. Access to data is a core user requirement that is too often neglected or passed off to junior developers.
Using generic techniques, you can provide a tremendous amount of support for reporting with very little development effort. In the hands of a senior developer, reporting can shift from mindlessly producing hundreds of similar reports to the challenging task of providing all possible reports by building a customized reporting system.
This approach is a vast improvement over delivery of ad hoc query
tools to users. With a generic reporting
system, it is possible to control the queries used to generate the reports and ensure
that users are getting the
Additional Documentation
Related presentation at ODTUG 2004:
· “Object Types vs. PL/SQL Tables: Two Practical Examples” - Michael Rosenblum, Dulcian, Inc.
Other Generic Reporting papers and presentations on Dulcian’s website ( #Oracle Reports)
Don't Build
200 Reports...Build Just One! - Ileana Balcu
Reports Templates:
Getting the Most out of Oracle Reports - Dr.
Building a
Flexible Reporting System Template Using Developer/2000 - Joseph P. Strano & Dr.
About the Author